Wednesday, May 8, 2013



  1. As we wrapped more and more rubber bands around the watermelon, the pressure being exerted on the center of the watermelon started to increase. As a result, the mass of the watermelon began to expand to the top and bottom of it. Over time, this began to result in large cracks on the side of the melon, due to the increase in mass with nowhere to go. As we attached the 502nd rubber band to the watermelon, the pressure at the watermelons center was to great, and the mass was exerted upward, resulting in the top half flying off like the cork of a champagne bottle. At the same time, the rubber bands were no longer attached to the mass, though they were still exerting a force against the object, and as a result, they instantaneously snapped together into one rubber band ball.

  2. As more and more rubber bands were wrapped around the watermelon, the tensions greatly increased. This was due to the elasticity of the rubber bands. This causes the rubber bands to continuously try to revert back to their original shape. After the first rubber band snapped, a chain reaction was set off, which then caused all of the other rubber bands to break and the watermelon to split in half.
